Sometimes in life, major things happen unexpectedly.
That is a given.
What is not a given is how we will choose to react to those changes, whether wanted or not.
Last week, after putting in a good number of years in my workplace, that door was unexpectedly closed, with a resounding SLAM! At the time, I was shocked,
dumbfounded, without fact it was more surreal than most anything I had experien
ced up to that point, including the birth of our daughter. Now that I have had nearly a week to reflect on what this means and how it may affect me and my family, I realize that I have chosen to take the high road, the optimistic, non-vindictive, uncomplaining, Christian road. I am pleasingly surprised at the unconscious way I have taken this road bump. I am actually proud of how I have stepped over this pile of poo, and have kept my chin and spirits up. I can only attribute this to the blessings that God has put in my life, and the faith that I have that he will take care of us.
Now, this doesn't mean that I am sitting home waiting for checks to roll in, but I am counting my many blessings, and realizing that although I didn't choose for this door to close when it did, I knew it was just a matter of time before I closed it myself to move on. God just felt it was time to move ahead with my life, and apparently I needed this kick start.
I am planning to tackle many things now that this door is shut, but I am specifically planning to publicly rise to the challenge of two fellow bloggers, and follow 2 motivating, challenging series. I highly recommend that you try them, if even in a small way, and just see if God doesn't bless you and raise your spirits in the process!
Please join me in my adventure in the following challenges:

Have you had doors close unexpectedly in your life? How did you handle them and move on? What was your motivation to move along with your life? Will you take part in these challenges? Or, have you taken part of challenges of your own that you would like to share here?