Well, new year, new start, right?
I must be honest....I want to love that idea, but the perfectionist in me feels like I am setting myself up for failure. I know in my heart that I will not live up to the level I expect from my resolutions.

This year my main resolution is to start letting go of some of my perfectionist self and just be me. That sounds so simple, doesn't it? If only it really were. My whole life I have struggled to be the best at everything and I find that I am rally not the best at anything. I am not the best mother, the best wife, the best friend, the best sister, daughter, niece, granddaughter.... Shall I continue? I am not the best at any of those things. I have wanted to be an artist (but I am not), a writer (I can't even get started), a wife (I fail daily)...What I am the best at? Trying! I try everyday in so many ways. That is what matters and that is going to be this year's focus. Forget being perfect, try just being. Being good enough. Trying my best and accepting that all I can do is my best. I can't ask more of myself than that.

So...Here's to making 2013 the year of Good Enough! I will be good enough. I am not perfect. I never was perfect. I will never be perfect. Only God is perfect, and I am NOT Him! (Thank goodness!)
How do you plan to embrace and take charge of 2013? Do you have a resolution? A goal? Do you refuse resolutions? I'd love to hear your thoughts.